Our Mission is to empower our peers with disabilities to lead and control independent lives fully included in community life. AccessABILITY is a Disability Rights organization serving Indianapolis and the seven surrounding counties. We provide individual consumers, governmental agencies, corporations and other non-profits with the tools necessary to ensure the acceptance, respect and inclusion of everyone. The result is that our communities are enriched through the full participation of ALL PEOPLE. We are consumer-driven: This means that we work at the direction of our consumers who are entitled to control over the decisions that affect their lives. We represent the community we serve-no less than 51% of our staff and governing board are persons with disabilities. Counties we serve are: Boone, Johnson, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion, Morgan and Shelby.
8395 Keystone Crossing, Suite 110, Indianapolis IN 46240 Voice: (317)926-1660 (866)794-7245 Fax: (317) 926-1687 Email: info@abilityindiana.org
A disability parking placard is available to an Indiana resident of any age who meets one of the following requirements:has a temporary or permanent physical disability that requires the use of a wheelchair, a walker, braces, or crutches; has temporarily or permanently lost the use of one or both legs; has restricted mobility, either temporarily or permanently, due to a pulmonary or cardiovascular disability, arthritic condition, or orthopedic or neurological impairment; or is permanently blind or visually impaired.
Disability parking placards are also available to companies or associations which transport or provide facilities for persons with physical disabilities.
A disability parking placard issued to an individual with a permanent disability will expire on the recipient's fourth birthday following the date of the placard's issuance. A placard issued to an individual with a temporary disability is valid for six months from the date that it is issued, or until a date indicated by the physician certifying the application.
When the placard expires, you must apply again for another placard.
Indiana Government Center North Room 402 100 North Senate Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204 Voice: (888)692-6841
This is a link to the Indiana Code (IC) describing requirements for accessible parking spaces, for example, number of spaces required and dimensions of spaces.
Indiana Government Center North 100 North Senate Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204 Voice: (888)692-6841
INDATA Easterseal Crossroads has been providing assistive technology solutions in Indiana since 1979. In 2007, Easterseals Crossroads partnered with the State of Indiana, Bureau of Rehabilitative Services to establish the Indiana Assistive Technology Act (INDATA) Project. The INDATA Project is one of 56 similar federally-funded projects designed to increase access and awareness of assistive technology. INDATA CORE services include: Information and referral, funding assistance, public awareness and education, device demonstration, device loan, reutilized computers and equipment reutilization.
4740 Kingsway Drive Indianapolis, IN 46205 Voice: (317)466-2013 Toll free: (888)466-1314 TTY: (317)479-3232 Fax: (317)466-2000 Email: tech@eastersealscrossroads.org
The Indiana Civil Rights Commission enforces the Indiana civil rights laws and provides quality education and services to the public in an effort to ensure equal opportunity for all Hoosiers and visitors to the State of Indiana.
100 North Senate Avenue Indiana Government Center North, Room N300 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Voice: (317) 232-2600 Toll free: (800) 628-2909 TTY: Toll free: (800) 743-3333 Fax: (317) 232-6580
Everybody Counts’ mission is to empower people with
disabilities through information and assistance to work in
collaboration with others in order to ensure the provision of adequate
and appropriate opportunities for inclusion into society, to develop
programs and services identified by people with disabilities as being
necessary and appropriate, and to increase community options for
independent living through outreach, awareness activities, education
and advocacy.Everybody Counts Inc. also serves Hammond, IN.
438 Fayette Street Hammond, IN 46320 Voice: (219) 937-5055 Email: info@everybodycounts.org
Everybody Counts’ mission is to empower people with
disabilities through information and assistance to work in
collaboration with others in order to ensure the provision of adequate
and appropriate opportunities for inclusion into society, to develop
programs and services identified by people with disabilities as being
necessary and appropriate, and to increase community options for
independent living through outreach, awareness activities, education
and advocacy.Everybody Counts Inc. also serves Hammond, IN.
9111 Broadway Suite A Merrillville, In 46410 Voice: (219) 769-5055 TTY: (219) 756-3323 Email: info@everybodycounts.org
To provide access to services and conduct activities to ensure that people with special needs and their families are empowered to make personal acceptable options, which lead to the greatest quality of life. Future Choices, Inc. was inspired by a passion to create opportunities for minorities and people with disabilities to enjoy a full-fledged life of independence in an integrated and safe community. This passion was soon translated into action when Mrs. Beth Y. Quarles and others identified some critical needs among minorities and people with special needs and disabilities, such as an inclusive, accessible, affordable and safe housing; community education and outreach program, healthy life style among minorities, youth, and people with disabilities and their families.
420 S. High Street Muncie, Indiana 47305 Voice: (765) 741-8332 Toll free: (866) 741-3444 Video Phone for Deaf and Hard of Hearing: (765) 273-5662 Fax: (765) 741-8333
The Indiana Governor's Council is an independent state agency that facilitates change. Our mission is to advance the independence, productivity and inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of society. This mission is accomplished through planning, evaluation, collaboration, education, research and advocacy. The Council is consumer-driven and is charged with determining how the service delivery system in both the public and private sectors can be most responsive to people with disabilities. The Council receives and disseminates federal funds to support innovative programs that are visionary, influence public policy, empower individuals and families and advocate systems change.Board members of the Council are appointed by the Governor and 60% of the board must be people with disabilities or their family members.
Indiana Government Center South, Room E145 402 West Washington Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46204t Voice: (317)232-7770 Fax: (317)233-3712 Email: council@gcpd.in.gov
It is the mission of the Independent Living Center of Eastern Indiana to empower persons with disabilities.
1818 West Main Street Richmond, Indiana 47374 Voice: (765) 939-9226 Toll free: (877) 939-9226 Fax: (765) 935-2215
The mission of ADA-Indiana is to serve as a statewide resource for promoting the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in Indiana.
2810 East Discovery Parkway Bloomington, IN 47408 Voice: (812) 855-6508 Email: adainfo@iu.edu
The Office of the Indiana Attorney General helps protect the rights, freedoms, and safety you enjoy as a citizen of the Hoosier state. Attorney General Curtis T. Hill Jr. and his staff are dedicated to meeting the state's legal needs, as well as the needs and interests of its citizens.
Consumer Protection Division Office of the Indiana Attorney General 302 W. Washington St., 5th Floor Indianapolis, IN 46204 Voice: (317) 232-6330 Toll free: (800) 382-5516 Fax: (317) 232-7979 Email: Constituent@atg.in.gov
Indiana Disability Rights is the service arm of the Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services (IPAS) Commission. Our mission and vision guide our work everyday. To protect and promote the rights of individuals with disabilities through empowerment and advocacy
Indiana Disability Rights 4701 N. Keystone Ave., Suite 222 Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Voice: (317) 722-5555 Toll free: (800) 622-4845
Indiana Department of Workforce Development (IDWD) manages and implements innovative employment programs for Hoosiers, unemployment insurance systems, and facilitates regional economic growth initiatives for Indiana.
Voice: (800) 891-6499
The Fire and Building Code Enforcement Branch encourages the development of building code law enforcement programs within state agencies and political subdivisions and exercises any program of supervision that is approved by the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission. The branch enforces building laws and related variances as well as other orders that apply to Class I structures, industrialized buildings and mobile structures.
Question form: https://in.accessgov.com/idoa/Forms/Page/idoa/ask-sic-a-question/0
Voice: (317)232-1407 Fax: (317)233-0307
Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS), a program of the Bureau of Rehabilitation Service (BRS), provides quality, individualized services to enhance and support people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain or retain employment. Through active participation in their rehabilitation, people with disabilities achieve a greater level of independence in their work place and living environments.
402 W. Washington St., #W451 P.O. Box 7083, MS26 Indianapolis, IN 46207-7083 Voice: (317)232-1433 Toll free: (877)241-8144 TTY: (317)232-1427 Fax: (317)254-6705 Email: BVISHLP.BVISHelp@fssa.IN.gov
The League’s mission is to provide and promote opportunities that empower people with disabilities to achieve their potential.
5821 S. Anthony Blvd. Fort Wayne IN 46816 Voice: (260) 441-0551 Toll free: (800) 889-3443 Video Phone for Deaf and Hard of Hearing: (260) 440-3013 TTY: (260) 441-0551 DeafLink Emergency Pager: (260) 481-8153 Fax: (260) 441-7760 Email: the-league@the-league.org
The National Center on Accessibility promotes access and inclusion for people with disabilities in parks, recreation and tourism. Based at Indiana University and established in 1992 through a cooperative agreement with the National Park Service, NCA has emerged as a leading authority on access issues unique to park and recreation programs and facilities. At NCA, we believe that the principles of universal design and inclusion are important factors for achieving personal wellness and building healthy communities. Among people with disabilities, recreation and active leisure pursuits are vital for rehabilitation from illness or injury, prevention of disease, longevity and improved quality of life. NCA is a major contributor to the study of disability and inclusion in the life sciences.
2805 E. 10th St., Suite 170, Bloomington, Indiana 47408, USA Voice: 812-855-3095 TTY: (812) 856-4421 Fax: (812) 856-4480 Email: eplyhelp@iu.edu
The mission of IN*SOURCE is to provide parents, families and service providers in Indiana the information and training necessary to assure effective educational programs and appropriate services for children and young adults with disabilities.
Office Address: 310 West McKinley | Suite 300 | Mishawaka, IN 46545 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6185 | South Bend, Indiana 46660 Voice: (574) 234-7101 Email: insource@insource.org
839 South Adams Street Versailles, IN 47024 Voice: (812) 427-3333 Toll-free: (866) 689-3753 TTY: TTY: (812) 689-3753 Fax: (812) 427-3338 Email: siilccontrol@live.com
The Southern Indiana Center for Independent Living (SICIL) is a consumer-controlled, community based, cross disability, non-residential and not-for-profit organization that promotes and practices the philosophy of independent living. Counties Served:
Bartholomew, Brown, Crawford, Jackson, Lawrence, Monroe, Orange, Washington
1490 West Main Street Mitchell, IN 47446 Voice: (812) 277-9626 Toll free: (800) 845-6914 TTY: (812) 277-9626 Fax: (812) 849-6002 Email: chris@sicilindiana.org
Andy Leffler, Executive Director Indiana Telephone Relay Access Corporation (InTRAC) 7702 Woodland Drive, Suite 130 Indianapolis, IN 46278 Voice: 317-334-1413 Fax: 317-334-1432 Email: andy.leffler@relayindiana.com
The Indiana Institute serves as a liaison between academia and the community in Indiana through our membership in a national network comprised of 67 independent but interlinked entities known as University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). This national network represents an expansive national resource for addressing issues, finding solutions, and advancing research related to the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families.
Indiana Institute on Disability and Community 2810 E Discovery Parkway Bloomington, IN 47408 Voice: (812) 855-6508 Fax: (812) 855-9630 Email: iidc@indiana.edu
To empower people with disabilities to ensure that they have full and complete access to community resources to promote their independence.
1 Dreiser Square, Terre Haute, Indiana 47807 Voice: (812) 298-9455 TTY: Toll Free: (877)915-9455 Fax: (812)299-9061 Email: info@thewillcenter.org