COVID-19 and ADA Resources
The Great Lakes ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Center, located in Chicago, serves the state of
Indiana as part of their region. Have a question about the COVID-19 pandemic and the ADA
(Americans with Disabilities Act)? Call Great Lakes ADA Center at (800) 949-4232.
Free ADA Help
If you have a question about your rights or obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act,
call the Great Lakes ADA Center (800) 949-4232.
The ADA National Network
The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) National Network maintains a web portal on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and COVID-19: The web portal is updated often with technical assistance materials and other resources on various aspects of the pandemic and implications for the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act): face coverings, return to work, return to school, and other topics.
COVID-19 Resources
In July (2022), the Job Accommodation Network released a new resource called, “Supporting
Employees with Long COVID: A Guide for Employers” (opens as PDF). JAN writes “the resource that can help employers learn more about Long COVID and accommodations for common symptoms. America’s
employers can play an important role in supporting workers with Long COVID
during their recovery.”
In July (2022), the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission updated their guidance
document, “What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other
EEO Laws” to address questions about COVID testing in the workplace.